

一般用途  |  車載用


シリーズ名 データシート アプリケーションノート 製品群 オンライン購入 型番リスト 特長 用途 過充電検出電圧 min. [V] 過充電検出電圧 max. [V] 過充電検出電圧精度 ±[mV] 過放電検出電圧 min. [V] 過放電検出電圧 max. [V] 過放電検出電圧精度 ±[mV] 過電流検出電圧 min. [V] 過電流検出電圧 max. [V] 過電流検出電圧精度 ±[mV] 過充電検出遅延 Sort order 動作温度 min. [°C] 動作温度 max. [°C] パッケージ
S-8203A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 3-cell 3.55 4.50 25 2.0 3.2 80 0.050 0.300 15.00 External delay capacitor 660 -40 85 16-pin TSSOP
S-8204A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 3-cell, 4-cell 3.80 4.60 25 2.0 3.0 80 0.050 0.300 15.00 External delay capacitor 670 -40 85 16-pin TSSOP
S-8204B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 3-cell, 4-cell 3.65 4.60 25 2.0 3.0 80 0.050 0.300 15.00 External delay capacitor 680 -40 85 16-pin TSSOP
S-8205A/B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 4-cell, 5-cell 3.55 4.40 25 2.0 3.2 80 0.050 0.300 15.00 External delay capacitor 740 -40 85 16-pin TSSOP
S-8206A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER セカンドプロテクト 1-cell 3.50 5.00 20 - - - - - - Built-in delay timer 520 -40 85 SNT-6A, HSNT-6(1212)
S-8209A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER 電圧監視用 Cell-balance function 3.55 4.40 25 2.0 3.0 50 - - - External delay capacitor 840 -40 85 8-pin TSSOP, SNT-8A
S-8209B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER 電圧監視用 Cell-balance function 3.55 4.40 25 2.0 3.0 50 - - - External delay capacitor 850 -40 85 8-pin TSSOP, SNT-8A
S-8215A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER セカンドプロテクト 3-cell, 4-cell, 5-cell 3.60 4.70 25 - - - - - - Built-in delay timer 980 -40 85 SNT-8A, TMSOP-8
S-8215C リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER セカンドプロテクト 3-cell, 4-cell, 5-cell 2.70 4.70 20 - - - - - - Built-in delay timer 970 -40 85 SNT-8A, TMSOP-8
S-8216A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER セカンドプロテクト 1-cell 4.00 5.00 15 - - - 0.003 0.100 1.50 Built-in delay timer 510 -40 85 SNT-6A
S-821A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(High-side protection)
3.50 4.80 15 2.0 3.0 50 -0.003 -0.100 1.00 Built-in delay timer 290 -40 85 SNT-8A, WLP-8V
S-821B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(High-side protection)
3.50 4.80 15 2.0 3.0 50 -0.003 -0.100 0.75 Built-in delay timer 291 -40 85 SNT-8A, WLP-8V
S-8223A/B/C/D リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER セカンドプロテクト 2-cell, 3-cell 3.60 4.70 20 - - - - - - Built-in delay timer 920 -40 85 SNT-6A
S-8224A/B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER セカンドプロテクト 2-cell, 3-cell, 4-cell 3.60 4.70 20 - - - - - - Built-in delay timer 930 -40 85 SNT-8A
S-8225A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER 電圧監視用 3-cell, 4-cell, 5-cell 3.50 4.40 20 2.0 3.2 80 - - - External delay capacitor 820 -40 85 16-pin TSSOP
S-8225B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER 電圧監視用 3-cell, 4-cell, 5-cell 3.50 4.40 20 2.2 3.2 80 - - - External delay capacitor 830 -40 85 16-pin TSSOP
S-8229A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER 簡易残量表示 LED drive - - - - - - - - - -- 860 -40 85 SOT-23-6, SNT-6A
S-8239A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER 過電流監視用 For multi-serial-cell pack - - - - - - 0.040 0.300 15.00 Built-in delay timer 1010 -40 85 SOT-23-6
S-8239B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER 過電流監視用 For multi-serial-cell pack - - - - - - 0.040 0.300 15.00 Built-in delay timer 1020 -40 85 SOT-23-6
S-8240A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell 3.50 4.60 20 2.0 3.4 50 0.015 0.200 5.00 Built-in delay timer 450 -40 85 SOT-23-6, SNT-6A, HSNT-6(1212)
S-8240B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell 3.50 4.60 20 2.0 3.4 50 0.015 0.100 3.00 Built-in delay timer 460 -40 85 SNT-6A, HSNT-6(1212)
S-8244 リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER セカンドプロテクト 1-cell, 2-cell, 3-cell, 4-cell 3.70 4.50 25 - - - - - - External delay capacitor 950 -40 85 SNT-8A, TMSOP-8
S-8245A/C リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 3-cell, 4-cell, 5-cell
(Temperature protection function)
3.55 4.60 20 2.0 3.2 80 0.020 0.300 10.00 External delay capacitor 700 -40 85 24-pin SSOP
S-8245B/D リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 3-cell, 4-cell, 5-cell
(Temperature protection function)
3.55 4.60 20 2.0 3.2 80 0.020 0.300 10.00 External delay capacitor 710 -40 85 24-pin SSOP
S-8252 リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 2-cell 3.55 4.60 20 2.0 3.0 50 0.050 0.400 10.00 Built-in delay timer 640 -40 85 SOT-23-6, SNT-6A
S-8253C/D リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 2-cell, 3-cell 3.90 4.40 25 2.0 3.0 80 0.050 0.300 25.00 Built-in delay timer 650 -40 85 8-pin TSSOP
S-8254A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 3-cell, 4-cell 3.90 4.45 25 2.0 3.0 80 0.050 0.300 25.00 External delay capacitor 690 -40 85 16-pin TSSOP
S-8255A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER 電圧監視用 3-cell, 4-cell, 5-cell
(Temperature protection function)
3.55 4.60 20 2.0 3.2 80 - - - External delay capacitor 800 -40 85 20-pin TSSOP
S-8255B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER 電圧監視用 3-cell, 4-cell, 5-cell
(Temperature protection function)
3.55 4.60 20 2.0 3.2 80 - - - External delay capacitor 810 -40 85 20-pin TSSOP
S-8259A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER 電圧監視用 1-cell 3.50 4.60 20 2.0 3.4 50 - - - Built-in delay timer 500 -40 85 SOT-23-6
S-8261 リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell 3.60 4.50 25 2.0 3.0 50 0.050 0.300 15.00 Built-in delay timer 470 -40 85 SOT-23-6
S-8264A/B/C リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER セカンドプロテクト 2-cell, 3-cell, 4-cell 4.20 4.80 25 - - - - - - Built-in delay timer 940 -40 85 SNT-8A, 8-pin TSSOP
S-8265C リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER セカンドプロテクト 3-cell, 4-cell, 5-cell (Cell-balance function) 2.75 4.70 20 - - - - - - Built-in delay timer 960 -40 85 SNT-8A, TMSOP-8
S-8269B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER 過電流監視用 For multi-serial-cell pack - - - - - - 0.003 0.100 1.50 Built-in delay timer 1000 -40 85 SNT-6A
S-82A1A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(Sense resistor type)
3.50 4.60 20 2.0 3.0 50 0.010 0.100 3.00 Built-in delay timer 230 -40 85 SNT-6A, DFN-6(1414)A
S-82A2A/B/C リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 2-cell
(Sense resistor type)
3.50 4.80 15 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.100 1.00 Built-in delay timer 600 -40 85 SNT-8A, HSNT-8(1616)
S-82B1A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell 3.50 4.60 20 2.0 3.0 50 0.010 0.100 3.00 Built-in delay timer 420 -40 85 SNT-6A
S-82B1B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell 3.50 4.60 20 2.0 3.0 50 0.010 0.100 3.00 Built-in delay timer 430 -40 85 SNT-6A
S-82B2A/B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 2-cell
(Sense resistor type)
3.50 4.80 20 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.100 3.00 Built-in delay timer 610 -40 85 SNT-8A, HSNT-8(1616)
S-82B4A/5A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 4-cell, 5-cell 3.90 4.50 20 2.0 3.2 50 0.010 0.200 5.00 External delay capacitor 720 -40 85 16-pin TSSOP
S-82C1E リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(Sense resistor type)
3.50 4.60 20 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.100 3.00 Built-in delay timer 200 -40 85 DFN-8(1616)
S-82C1F リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(Sense resistor type)
3.50 4.60 20 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.100 3.00 Built-in delay timer 210 -40 85 SNT-6A, DFN-6(1414)A
S-82C2A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 2-cell 3.50 4.80 20 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.400 3.00 Built-in delay timer 620 -40 85 SOT-23-6, SNT-6A
S-82C2B/C リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 2-cell 3.50 4.80 20 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.400 3.00 Built-in delay timer 630 -40 85 SNT-8A, HSNT-8(1616)
S-82C4A/5A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 4-cell, 5-cell
(Temperature protection function)
3.90 4.50 20 2.0 3.2 50 0.010 0.200 5.00 External delay capacitor 730 -40 85 16-pin TSSOP
S-82D1A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(Temperature protection function)
3.50 4.60 15 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.100 1.50 Built-in delay timer 300 -40 85 HSNT-8(1616)
S-82F1A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(Sense resistor type)
3.50 4.60 15 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.100 1.50 Built-in delay timer 170 -40 85 HSNT-8(1616)
S-82F1B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(Sense resistor type)
3.50 4.60 15 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.100 1.50 Built-in delay timer 180 -40 85 SNT-6A
S-82F1C リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(Sense resistor type)
3.50 4.60 15 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.100 1.50 Built-in delay timer 190 -40 85 HSNT-8(1616)
S-82F5B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER 電圧監視用 3-cell, 4-cell, 5-cell 3.50 4.70 20 1.5 3.2 80 - - - Built-in delay timer 817 -40 85 SNT-8A, TMSOP-8
S-82G1A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(Charge-discharge current path separation)
3.50 4.60 15 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.100 1.50 Built-in delay timer 480 -40 85 HSNT-8(1616)
S-82G1B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(Charge-discharge current path separation)
3.50 4.60 15 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.100 1.50 Built-in delay timer 490 -40 85 HSNT-8(1616)
S-82H1A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(Sense resistor type)
3.50 4.60 15 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.100 1.50 Built-in delay timer 150 -40 85 HSNT-8(1616)
S-82H1B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(Sense resistor type)
3.50 4.60 15 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.100 1.50 Built-in delay timer 160 -40 85 SNT-6A
S-82H4B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER セカンドプロテクト 3-cell, 4-cell
(With constant voltage output pin for RTC)
3.60 5.00 15 - - - - - - Built-in delay timer 911 -40 85 DFN-8(2020)A
S-82H5B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER 電圧監視用 3-cell, 4-cell, 5-cell 3.50 4.70 15 1.5 3.2 80 - - - Built-in delay timer 815 -40 85 SNT-8A, TMSOP-8
S-82K1A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(Sense resistor type)
3.50 4.60 15 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.100 1.00 Built-in delay timer 130 -40 85 HSNT-8(1616)
S-82K1B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(Sense resistor type)
3.50 4.60 15 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.100 1.00 Built-in delay timer 140 -40 85 SNT-6A, HSNT-6(1618)
S-82K3B/K4B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER セカンドプロテクト 3-cell, 4-cell
(With constant voltage output pin for RTC,
enabling any order of battery connection)
3.60 5.00 15 - - - - - - Built-in delay timer 901 -40 85 DFN-8(2020)A
S-82K5A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER セカンドプロテクト 3-cell, 4-cell, 5-cell 3.50 4.70 20 - - - - - - Built-in delay timer 957 -40 85 SNT-8A, TMSOP-8
S-82K5B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER セカンドプロテクト 3-cell, 4-cell, 5-cell 3.50 4.70 20 - - - - - - Built-in delay timer 958 -40 85 SNT-8A, TMSOP-8
S-82L1A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(Alarm function)
4.20 4.60 12 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.100 3.00 Built-in delay timer 440 -40 85 SNT-6A
S-82L4A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER セカンドプロテクト 3-cell, 4-cell
(With constant voltage output pin for RTC)
3.60 5.00 15 - - - - - - Built-in delay timer 890 -40 85 DFN-8(2020)A
S-82M1A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(Sense resistor type)
3.50 4.60 15 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.100 3.00 Built-in delay timer 220 -40 85 SNT-6A
S-82M3A/M4A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER セカンドプロテクト 3-cell, 4-cell
(With constant voltage output pin for RTC,
enabling any order of battery connection)
3.60 5.00 15 - - - - - - Built-in delay timer 880 -40 85 DFN-8(2020)A
S-82M5A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER セカンドプロテクト 3-cell, 4-cell, 5-cell 3.50 4.70 15 - - - - - - Built-in delay timer 955 -40 85 SNT-8A, TMSOP-8
S-82M5B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER セカンドプロテクト 3-cell, 4-cell, 5-cell 3.50 4.70 15 - - - - - - Built-in delay timer 956 -40 85 SNT-8A, TMSOP-8
S-82N1A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell 3.50 4.60 15 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.100 3.00 Built-in delay timer 400 -40 85 SNT-6A
S-82N1B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell 3.50 4.60 15 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.100 3.00 Built-in delay timer 410 -40 85 SNT-6A
S-82P1A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(Sense resistor type)
3.50 4.80 15 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.100 0.75 Built-in delay timer 110 -40 85 HSNT-8(1616)
S-82P1B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(Sense resistor type)
3.50 4.80 15 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.100 0.75 Built-in delay timer 120 -40 85 HSNT-6(1618), SNT-6A
S-82P5B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER セカンドプロテクト 3-cell, 4-cell, 5-cell 2.70 4.70 15 - - - - - - Built-in delay timer 966 -40 85 SNT-8A, TMSOP-8
S-82R1A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(Cell voltage monitor)
3.50 4.80 15 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.100 1.50 Built-in delay timer 350 -40 85 HSNT-8(1616)
S-82S1A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(Cell voltage monitor)
3.50 4.80 15 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.100 1.00 Built-in delay timer 340 -40 85 HSNT-8(1616)
S-82T1A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(Alarm function)
3.50 4.80 12 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.100 1.50 Built-in delay timer 330 -40 85 HSNT-8(1616)
S-82U1A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(Alarm function)
3.50 4.80 12 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.100 1.00 Built-in delay timer 320 -40 85 HSNT-8(1616)
S-82V1A リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(Alarm function)
3.50 4.80 12 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.100 0.75 Built-in delay timer 310 -40 85 HSNT-8(1616)
S-82Y1B リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(Sense resistor type)
3.50 4.80 15 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.050 0.50 Built-in delay timer 100 -40 85 SNT-6A, HSNT-6(1618)
S-82Y1C リチウムイオン電池保護IC chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER バッテリー保護 1-cell
(Sense resistor type)
3.50 4.80 10 2.0 3.0 50 0.003 0.050 0.50 Built-in delay timer 99 -40 85 HSNT-6(1618)