Website Use Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the website owned and operated by ABLIC Inc. (ABLIC). Please read the following terms and conditions carefully, and use this site only when you agree to those conditions. Please note that you will be deemed to have agreed to all conditions contained in these Website Use Terms and Conditions if you use our site. ABLIC may change any term and condition in these Website Use Terms and Conditions without prior notice, so we ask you to check for the latest version of this document.

Copyrights, etc.

Unless otherwise specified in this site, any copyright, trademark right and other intellectual property right to and in the text, graphics, images, artwork, trademark, logo mark, and other information (Content) contained in ABLIC's website belong to ABLIC. You are prohibited to use and reproduce the Content, in whole or in part, with or without any modification, for your private use or beyond the extent expressly permitted by law, without the prior written permission of ABLIC.

Site Information

Though ABLIC chooses the content ideal for site information with minute attention, ABLIC disclaims all warranties with respect to the accuracy and/or adequacy of the content, fitness for a particular purpose, or security of such information. ABLIC has the right to change or delete any content on or from the site without prior notice. In addition, ABLIC may stop or discontinue the operation of this site.


When you use this site, you are prohibited to do any act which:

  • Infringes or threatens to infringe on the property or privacy of a third party or ABLIC,
  • Causes or threatens to cause a disadvantage or damage to a third party or ABLIC,
  • Injures the honor or reputation of a third party or ABLIC,
  • Violates or threatens to violate public policy by any act or statement of obscene or defamatory nature,
  • Is criminal or which leads to a crime,
  • Constitutes a fraudulent reporting or notification, such as registering other person's e-mail address,
  • Aims sales or other profit-making activities, or preparation of such activities,
  • Uses or provides or threatens to use or provide harmful programs, such as computer virus,
  • Violates laws, regulations or ordinances,
  • Interferes with the operation of the Web site, such as unlawfully tampering with the Web site contents or embedding unauthorized data into the Web site, or
  • Is otherwise determined inappropriate by ABLIC.

Requirements for Linking to our Website

You cannot link to this site without obtaining the prior written permission of ABLIC. If you want to link to this site, you must notify us of the URL of the site that provides a link to ABLIC's homepage, or the URL of the site you want to link from ABLIC's homepage. You must clearly show a link to ABLIC's website by including in the URL.

ABLIC reserves the right to decline your request for linking to this site if such linking is determined inappropriate by ABLIC. Each site of a third party which links from or to ABLIC's website (Link Site) is controlled by such party at its own responsibility, and by no means under ABLIC's control. You should use a Link Site according to its terms and conditions. ABLIC does not intend to recommend any goods, services or entities mentioned in any Link Site, and no linking implies a special relationship, such as tie-up, between ABLIC and the person operating the Link Site. ABLIC will not be liable for the content of a Link Site, or for any loss or damage arising from any use of the Link Site.

Comments from Users

ABLIC does not accept your suggestions, ideas and comments (Comments) submitted to us through this site or by e-mail. Please note that your Comments submitted to us via this site or by e-mail will be deemed to have been submitted with your full understanding of the following conditions:

  1. ABLIC assumes no confidentiality obligations with respect to the Comments submitted from you,
  2. ABLIC is free to use the Comments submitted from you, and
  3. ABLIC is under no obligation to pay you compensation for any products or services to be provided by ABLIC, which are identical or similar to the Comments submitted from you.


ABLIC has established a privacy policy, and makes efforts for appropriate treatment of personal information.
See here for our privacy policy.
You can use most of the services contained in this site without providing your personal information, but some services are not available without your personal data. If you are under the age 16, you need to submit your personal information with the consent of your parent or a guardian.
Basically, no personal information furnished from this site will be disclosed or provided to any third party except:

  • ABLIC considers it appropriate to reply to your inquiry from ABLIC's affiliated company or agent,
  • ABLIC employs services of a subcontractor who has entered into a confidentiality agreement with ABLIC,
  • Disclosure of personal information is required by law, or
  • ABLIC's business is succeeded by any third party as a result of merger, corporate separation, transfer of business, or for other reasons.

ABLIC will not be responsible for the protection of your personal information contained in a third party's site linked to this site.

Disclaimer of Liability

The liability of ABLIC is excluded for all claims for damages and liability cases regardless of their legal basis (for example, warranty, delay, impossibility, breach of duty, tort), except for claims:

  • due to injury to life, body and health,
  • due to fraudulent intent or warranty,
  • from intentional or grossly negligent conduct by ABLIC or its legal representatives or its vicarious agents,
  • under the Product Liability Act.

For these exceptions the legal regulation remains in force. The above exclusion of liability does not apply in case of breach of essential contractual obligations (cardinal obligations), i.e. obligations the fulfillment of which is essential for the proper execution of the agreement and on the fulfillment of which the respective party may regularly rely. In this case, the scope of liability shall be limited to the typically occurring, foreseeable damage.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Use of this site and interpretation and application of the terms and conditions for the use will be governed by the laws of Japan. All disputes arising in connection with the use of this site will be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court of Japan.

Recommended Environment

For comfortable use of this site, ABLIC recommends a personal computer accessible to the Internet and the environment that satisfies the following requirements. If you use our site in other environment, you may not be able to use the functions necessary to use the site, or you may have difficulties in securing normal screen display or operation.

Recommended OS

The latest versions of Windows, macOS, iOS, Android.

Recommended Browsers

The latest versions of Google Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Android browser

Necessary Functions

Cookie, JavaScript

ABLIC's website uses cookies in some pages including questionnaire to facilitate easier entry of your information. This site also contains pages that use JavaScript and other plug-ins. If your browser's security level is set high or very high, the pages may not operate normally. You can change to a lower security level at your own responsibility and risk. ABLIC will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the change of the security level.

Cache Files

Sometimes you may not obtain the latest information on your browser because of cache files set in your browser. In such case, ABLIC suggests to click the Update button in your browser or delete the cache file regularly.

Necessary Plug-ins

The latest version of Adobe Reader (recommended)

ABLIC will not be liable for any loss or damage to your computers or software arising from the installation of these browsers.
*The names of companies, systems and products described on our website are the trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective development companies in general. The registered trademark symbol “®” as well as the trademark symbol “™” are not displayed.