Timer ICs / ASSPs

Real-Time Clock (RTC)

For general use  |  For automotive

A real-time clock (RTC) is an IC equipped with a timekeeping function, used in systems that need to keep time even when the main device (such as an MCU) is powered off.
ABLIC's real-time clocks achieve longer battery life with an ultra-low current consumption of 0.25μA. Furthermore, they feature high-accuracy clock correction with a minimum resolution of 1ppm, a constant 32kHz output, an expansion alarm, a 24-bit up counter, and an ultra-small 2.46×1.97mm package, enabling one of the world's smallest real-time clocks. As a result, they offer time management solutions for various applications, including housing and industrial equipment.

Series Name Datasheet Application Note Product Category Buy Online Parts List Features Interface Current consumption (3.0V) [μA] Power supply voltage that allows communication min. [V] Power supply voltage that allows communication max. [V] Operation temp. min. [°C] Operation temp. max. [°C] Package
Series name
S-35190A Real-Time Clocks (RTCs) chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER Super-low 0.25µA current consumption 3-wire 0.25 1.3 5.5 -40 85 8-Pin SOP, 8-Pin TSSOP, SNT-8A
S-35192A Real-Time Clocks (RTCs) chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER Constant 32kHz output 3-wire 0.45 1.3 5.5 -40 85 SNT-8A
S-35390A Real-Time Clocks (RTCs) chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER Super-low 0.25µA current consumption 2-wire 0.25 1.3 5.5 -40 85 8-Pin SOP, 8-Pin TSSOP, SNT-8A
S-35391A Real-Time Clocks (RTCs) chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER A product having different device code from S-35390A 2-wire 0.25 1.3 5.5 -40 85 8-Pin SOP, SNT-8A
S-35392A Real-Time Clocks (RTCs) chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER Constant 32kHz output 2-wire 0.45 1.3 5.5 -40 85 SNT-8A
S-35399A03 Real-Time Clocks (RTCs) chip1stop CoreStaFF Digi-Key MOUSER Alarm settable to day/month/year, 24-bit counter 2-wire 0.34 1.3 5.5 -40 85 8-Pin SOP