Automotive, 125°C operation, 36V input, Low EMI,
step-up switching regulator controller

S-19990/9 Series

Automotive, step-up switching regulator controller (boost DC-DC converter) - S-19990/9

Ideal for emergency backup battery & cranking countermeasures.

  • Downsizes backup capacitor/battery size
    with the industry's lowest* operation voltage.

  • Reduces standby current in cranking countermeasure circuits
    with low current consumption.

  • Reduces EMI
    with a spread spectrum clock generation circuit.

Automotive, step-up switching regulator controller (boost DC-DC converter)

S-19990/9 Series

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Ideal for emergency backup battery & cranking countermeasures.

Downsizes backup capacitor/battery size with the industry's lowest* operation voltage.

Downsizes backup capacitor/battery size with the industry's lowest* operation voltage.
  • Step-up controller configuration
  • Bootstrap configuration

The S-19990 Series is the industry’s lowest* operation voltage of 3.0V for a 36V operation step-up switching regulator controller.
Electric door latches with emergency backup battery and e-calls are designed to continue operation for a certain period of time after a traffic accident. The S-19990 Series can boost voltage even with low-voltage capacitors/batteries, making the emergency backup battery more compact and reducing costs.

The bootstrap configuration that supplies power for the internal circuit from VOUT, can boost input voltage with less than 3.0V after startup. It can be used for flyback configuration.
*Based on our research as of March 2024.

Downsizes backup capacitor/battery size with the industry's lowest* operation voltage.

Downsizes backup capacitor/battery size with the industry's lowest* operation voltage.
  • Step-up controller configuration
  • Bootstrap configuration

The S-19990 Series is the industry’s lowest* operation voltage of 3.0V for a 36V operation step-up switching regulator controller.
Electric door latches with emergency backup battery and e-calls are designed to continue operation for a certain period of time after a traffic accident. The S-19990 Series can boost voltage even with low-voltage capacitors/batteries, making the emergency backup battery more compact and reducing costs.

The bootstrap configuration that supplies power for the internal circuit from VOUT, can boost input voltage with less than 3.0V after startup. It can be used for flyback configuration.
*Based on our research as of March 2024.

Reduces standby current.

Reduces standby current.

The S-19999 Series is a start-stop step-up switching regulator controller that monitors the output voltage and automatically controls step-up operation. It operates in sleep mode when the output voltage is higher than the wake-up voltage, and step-up operation is triggered when the output voltage drops below the wake-up voltage.

A feedback resistor is also integrated into the S-19999 Series. In sleep mode, the current consumption is reduced to 60µA by blocking the current of the feedback resistor, thus contributing to reduced standby current in cranking countermeasure circuits.
The S-19999 Series also enables boosting of input voltage with less than 3.0V after startup.

Reduces EMI with a spread spectrum clock generation circuit.

Reduces EMI with a spread spectrum clock generation circuit.

The S-19990/9 Series comes with a built-in spread spectrum clock generation circuit to reduce conducted emission and radiated emission, which enables reduced EMI in the system, reducing noise to about 0.38 times.

A 36V operation step-up switching regulator controller housed in the industry’s smallest* HSNT-8(2030) package (3.0 × 2.0 × t0.5 (max.) mm). Additionally, the oscillation frequency of 2.2MHz can be selected, which enables the use of small external components.
The HTMSOP-8 package (4.0 × 2.9 × t0.8 (max.) mm), a gull-wing type with ease of mounting, is also available for the S-19990/9 Series.
*Based on our research as of March 2024.


  • S-19990 (Step-up configuration): Electric Door Latch, e-Call, TCU, LED, ECUs
  • S-19999: Cranking countermeasures, Start-stop system, ECUs
  • S-19990 (Flyback configuration): Inverter, OBC, 48V MHEV (Air Conditioning Compressor), ECUs

Automotive switching regulator controller lineup


Product name S-19990 S-19999
  Step-up / Flyback Start-stop Step-up
Control method PWM / PFM switching
Oscillation frequency 2.2MHz typ., 400kHz typ. (selectable)
Input voltage 3.0 to 36.0V
Output regulation voltage External setting 6.80V, 8.50V
Wake-up voltage triggers auto startup 7.30V, 9.11V
FB pin voltage accuracy ±1.5%
Output regulation voltage accuracy ±2.0%
Spread spectrum clock generation function FSSS = +6% typ. (Diffusion rate)
Overcurrent protection function Pulse-by-pulse method
Thermal shutdown function 170°C typ. (detection temperature)
Short-circuit protection function Hiccup control, Latch control (selectable) Hiccup control
Soft-start function 5.8ms typ.
Under voltage lockout function (UVLO) 2.75 V typ. (detection voltage)
STATUS function Available
Current consumption during switching off 60μA typ. 70μA typ.
Current consumption during sleep mode 60μA typ.
Operation temperature range Ta = -40°C to +125°C
Automotive quality AEC-Q100 qualified, PPAP capable
Package HSNT-8(2030)HTMSOP-8



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S-19990 Series

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S-19999 Series

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