The S-19252 Series, developed by using CMOS process technology, is a positive voltage regulator with high-accuracy output voltage which incorporates the soft-start function. This IC has high ripple-rejection of 80 dB typ., and operates with low current consumption of 36 μA typ. The S-19252 Series incorporates the soft-start function to adjust the rising time of output voltage immediately after power-on or after the ON / OFF pin is set to ON. It also has a built-in overcurrent protection circuit to limit overcurrent of output transistor. In addition to the conventional small packages SOT-23-5 and SC-82AB, the super-small package HSNT-4(1010)B is added to the lineup, which realizes higher-density mounting.
- Output voltage
- 1.0 V to 3.6 V, selectable in 0.05 V step
- Input voltage
- 1.5 V to 5.5 V
- Output voltage accuracy
- ±15 mV (1.0 V ≤ VOUT(S) < 1.5 V, Ta = +25°C)
- ±1.0% (1.5 V ≤ VOUT(S) ≤ 3.6 V, Ta = +25°C)
- ±3.0% (1.0 V ≤ VOUT(S) ≤ 3.6 V, Tj = −40°C to +105°C)
- Current consumption
- During operation : 36 μA typ., 57 μA max. (Tj = −40°C to +105°C)
- During power-off : 0.1 μA typ., 4.2 μA max. (Tj = −40°C to +105°C)
- Dropout voltage
- 70 mV typ. (2.8 V output product, at IOUT = 100 mA)
- Output current
- Possible to output 150 mA (at VIN ≥ VOUT(S) + 1.0 V)*1
- Ripple rejection
- 70 dB typ. (VOUT(S) ≤ 2.5 V, at f = 10 kHz)
- 80 dB typ. (at f = 1.0 kHz)
- Input capacitor
- A ceramic capacitor can be used. (1.0 μF or more)
- Output capacitor
- A ceramic capacitor can be used. (1.0 μF or more)
- Built-in soft-start circuit
- The rising time of output voltage immediately after power-on or after the ON / OFF pin is set to ON is adjustable.
- The soft-start time of SOT-23-5 can be switched to tSS0 = 0.1 ms typ. / tSS1 = 1.0 ms typ. with the SST pin.
- The soft-start time of SC-82AB is fixed to tSS0 = 0.1 ms typ.
- The soft-start time of HSNT-4(1010)B is fixed to either tSS0 = 0.1 ms typ. or tSS1 = 1.0 ms typ.
- Built-in overcurrent protection circuit
- Limits overcurrent of output transistor.
- Built-in ON / OFF circuit
- Ensures long battery life.
- Discharge shunt function "available" / "unavailable" is selectable.
- Pull-down function "available" / "unavailable" is selectable.
- Operation temperature range
- Ta = −40°C to +105°C
- Lead-free (Sn 100%), halogen-free
- AEC-Q100 qualified*2
*1. Please make sure that the loss of the IC will not exceed the power dissipation when the output current is large.
*2. Contact our sales representatives for details.
- For automotive use (meter, car body, headlight, ITS, accessory, car navigation system, car audio system, etc.)
: SOT-23-5 package product, SC-82AB package product - For automotive use (accessory, car navigation system, car audio system, etc.)
: HSNT-4(1010)B package product