“An Innovator in Batteryless IoT”
CLEAN-Boost® is a proprietary technology that stores and boosts the voltage of energy generated by small amounts of moisture and microorganisms living in the soil, which until now could not be used as a source of electric power, and converts it into electric power that can be used for applications such as wireless transmission. This power management technology is at the core of batteryless sensors.
In an IoT-based society, there are unlimited possibilities in fields such as infrastructure, agriculture, and health care, and in addition to generating excitement in users and creating a cleaner society, this technology is expected to contribute toward the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
Eliminating the need for batteries is more earth-friendly and reduces environmental impact. Products utilizing CLEAN-Boost® can make the impossible possible!
A Message from the CLEAN-Boost® Engineers: “Thoughts on the Name”
“CLEAN” refers to the natural energy and environment-based power generation that quietly exists around us, while “Boost” represents the technology that collects and amplifies weak environmental energy. “Boost” also has the additional meanings of “push” and “impetus”, which represent our intentions to encourage the spread of “CLEAN” energy going forward.
Affordable &
Clean Energy
Target 7.1
By 2030, ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services.

Aging building infrastructure around the world
Leak sensors equipped with IoT technology that enable intelligent maintenance management
Innovative batteryless leak sensors that generate electricity from leaked water and send notifications wirelessly!
They can be easily installed in existing buildings, facilities, and equipment without the costs and labor typically associated with construction.
This ease of installation enables early detection of water leakage problems in existing facilities that had been given up on.

CLEAN-Boost® Batteryless Leak Sensors
The Future with Batteryless Leak Sensors
Sensing is not especially attention-getting work.
You installed sensors for monitoring maintenance, but now you need to monitor the sensor batteries to know when to replace them.
This kind of thing happens a lot.
Our batteryless leak sensors have no batteries, which eliminates the hassle of replacing batteries.
Perhaps the best sensing is the kind that needs the least attention.
And since there are no batteries to dispose of, they are also friendlier to the environment!
Decent Work & Economic Growth
Target 8.2
Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors.

Supporting the safe and secure births of racehorses
IoT technology enables smart remote monitoring to reduce workloads
Leak sensors can also be used to detect the birth of racehorses.
Based on information from sensors attached to the mare, the timing of the birth is communicated to the farmer, which reduces the amount of time they need to spend watching over the mare waiting for the birth to happen.
IoT makes for smarter monitoring by reducing the amount of work necessary for watching over the mare. Addressing the challenges of those in the industry and contributing to its revitalization.

Birth monitoring using CLEAN-Boost® batteryless leak sensors
The Future with Batteryless Leak Sensors
The uses for batteryless leak sensors are limitless!
They can also be used to make work easier. For example, if we can reduce the amount of work involved in watching over racehorses by informing farmers of the timing of their births...
The number of light-breed horse farmers, an industry largely made up of small-scale farms, is decreasing year by year, but this technology has the potential to revitalize the industry in contrast to the aging of the ranchers and lack of workers.
Our batteryless leak sensors contain no batteries, which lessens concerns related to problems such as accidental ingestion, making them kinder to living creatures.