Work Health and Safety and Health Management
We believe that the ability of all employees to work in safety and security, and the physical and mental health of all employees, are the bedrock that supports corporate activity.
Led by the ABLIC Group Work Health and Safety Policy, the safety and health of all of our employees is our number one priority. In order to create rewarding work environments, we continuously work to prevent factory accidents and occupational accidents, pursue even higher levels of safety, and create more pleasant work environments in all of our group's sites.
ABLIC Group Work Health and Safety Policy
In creating value for society through semiconductors and striving for sustainable development, we view the people who work under our management as our most important stakeholders, and we regard the prevention of occupational injury, illness and disease for the people who work under our management as of utmost importance in business operations. We therefore strive to build a safe and healthy work environment in order to make our group one in which all people who work under our management can take pride.
In order to realize this policy, we will pursue the following:
- We shall work on risk assessment, identifying and removing hazards, and striving to reduce risks and prevent accidents.
- We shall work on strengthening our health and safety management system.
- We shall strive for health maintenance and improvement for people who work under our management, and create comfortable workplaces.
- We shall establish a forum for discussion with people who work under our management, and as a united team, we shall engage in activities for health and safety management.
- We will work to comply with laws, regulations, customer requirements and other requirements that apply to our company.
- Following the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle, we shall work on making constant improvements to safe and healthy work environments.
- Education shall be constantly provided to shape a workplace culture in which all people who work under our management share the principle of “safety first”.
October 1, 2019
Work health and safety management system

Number of occupational accidents (non-consolidated)
Number of accidents (absent from work for one day or more)
FY2016 : One accident
FY2017 : Zero accident
FY2018 : One accident
FY2019 : Zero accident
FY2020 : Zero accident
FY2021 : Two accidents
FY2022 : Two accidents
FY2023 : Zero accidents
Work health and safety improvement measures
We consider the safety and health of all our employees to be our highest priority in business management. In order to build safe and healthy work environments and eliminate all occupational accidents, we have introduced a work health and safety management system and are carrying out ongoing activities on a PDCA cycle.
In actual activities, we focus on risk assessment. We carry out risk assessment (including for chemical substances) in terms of safety and health each time any change is made to a facility, chemical substance, or operational method in each site or department. For issues that have become apparent or potential factors that could cause disasters, we are taking preventive and improvement actions using a “bottom-up” approach. Additionally, the health & safety committee at each site performs regular health and safety inspection patrols and close-call activities. Countermeasures for the issues identified through these activities are formulated and implemented by each health and safety committee. The progress statuses of these countermeasures are monitored by the CSR Committee.
Furthermore, as part of our awareness-raising measures, we provide CSR training to all employees. As part of our health and safety activity visualization activities, we hang banners and posters and use badges and armbands, etc.
Supporting the physical and mental health of employees
Health is an invaluable asset to individuals, and the health of our employees is one of our assets. In order to ensure that our employees are healthy both mentally and physically, we conduct stress checks. Based on the results of these checks, we hold line-care seminars targeting not only managers, but also line leaders and above. Additionally, we hold mental health seminars for all employees to learn a variety of communication methods so that they can improve their mental health.
To promote health, we have established a health consultation office from a prevention viewpoint, establishing a structure to support our employees both mentally and physically. We are working to help each employee establish healthy habits of good nutrition, good exercise, and good rest. For example, we are taking steps to improve the follow-up testing and consultation rates among those determined to require further examination based on regular check-ups, and also hold walking events tied to environmental activities.