Symbiosis with Local Communities
As a good corporate citizen, we aim to be an open company that engages in dialog with society and discloses information appropriately. We also actively implement social contribution activities. In our global business, we respect the cultures and customs of the countries in which we do business and strive to do business based on a foundation of mutual trust with local communities.
Examples of Activities
Annual sponsor of the Omagari Fireworks Festival
ABLIC is an annual sponsor of the Omagari Fireworks Festival, an all Japan fireworks competition, which is held in Omagari, Daisen City, the same location as our Akita Unit. Known as one of the three major fireworks festivals in Japan, the Omagari Fireworks Festival has a history of over 100 years. By supporting seasonal fireworks festivals centered around the all Japan fireworks competition in summer, we are helping to promote and carry on the local charm of Akita and Japan's traditional culture throughout the four seasons.

Images of the Omagari Fireworks Festival
Sponsor of the Akita Northern Happinets
ABLIC is a sponsor of the Akita Northern Happinets, a basketball team competing in the professional B.League and based in Akita Prefecture where our Akita Unit is located. Basketball attracts many fans of all ages, especially the younger generation, and many of them visit Akita for home games. Our support for sporting activities contributes to the revitalization and development of the local Akita community and helps locals stay healthy.

Group photo with the venue and players at the time of the game sponsor
Lessons at schools
We undertake education CSR activities, and we will provide opportunities for children to grow and become socially independent through factory tours and conducting lessons at schools *1. In 2021, Takatsuka Unit was certified under the “Chiba Family, School, and Region Support Companies, etc. Registration System ” by the Board of Education of Chiba Prefecture.

*1 Please refer to this link for details regarding factory tours and lessons at schools (in Japanese).
*2 Please refer to this link for details of our initiatives (in Japanese).

SDGs Initiatives
The Akita Plant is the first company to declare its SDGs initiatives in its hometown of Daisen City, Akita Prefecture. At the SDGs Initiative Declaration Certificate Award Ceremony held on March 12, 2024, 40 companies and organizations received the Declaration of Initiatives.

Under the slogan of " Achieve the impossible through Analog Semiconductor Solutions" we will contribute to innovation to solve social and environmental issues in order to achieve the SDGs through technology, products, and services, create new experiences and value, and open up a future where safe lives and abundant nature can coexist.
As a member of Daisen City, we will continue to actively work on the SDGs in cooperation with the government.
Work experience for local junior high school students
The Akita Unit actively accepts work experience students from local junior high and senior high schools. Located in the same neighborhood of Daisen City as the Omagari Nishi Junior High School, the Akita Unit hosts students from this school to experience a variety of jobs over a three-day period.
Going forward, we will continue to provide work experience, internships and other hands-on learning opportunities to nurture children's social nature, thereby helping children and young people of the future to cultivate views about working and occupations.

Work experience students listening to an explanation of how to check images
Keeping watch during the national road safety campaign periods
At the Akita Unit, supervisors keep watch during the national road safety campaign periods in spring and fall. During the morning and evening commute times, they stand next to roads on company grounds or at the entrance to the national highway in an effort to raise awareness for road safety among employees by checking whether drivers are keeping to the speed, stopping at intersections and yielding way. We will continue these activities to maintain road safety in the community.

Supervisors keeping watch over the evening commute
Support for workplace visits by local high school students
As part of our community contribution activities, the Akita Unit accepts visits by local high school students to tour the workplace, using panel displays, videos and exhibits to brief them on manufacturing processes and our business.
Going forward, we will continue to provide workplace tours and opportunities for students to feel the company atmosphere firsthand, and we will continue to provide support for workplace visits for students to use as a reference for their future career pathways.

Students being briefed on processes during a plant tour
Support for project developing local Daisen whiz kids
In response to a request from the Daisen City Board of Education, the Akita Unit participates in activities supporting corporate and factory tours targeted at local elementary and junior high school students. Being the first opportunity for students to visit a semiconductor plant, we received many letters of thanks from children and their parents saying how they learned about local industries and factories. As a business establishment admired by the local community, we plan to continue this positive support initiative.

Local children and their parents listening to an explanation about the company
Workplace experience for students from the special needs school
The Akita Unit cooperates with the workplace experience program run by the local Omagari special needs school. For students with disabilities, workplace experiences are said to be a valuable opportunity from the perspective of enhancing their sense of work and self-efficacy. We will continue to support this program as an opportunity to prepare children with disabilities for employment.

Students from the special needs school on workplace experience