Ensuring Integrity and Fairness in Our Corporate Activities

To put the former into practice, as a member of the MinebeaMitsumi Group, we have accordingly made the MinebeaMitsumi Group Code of Conduct and MinebeaMitsumi Group Officer and Employee Compliance Guidelines as guidelines for ABLIC group executives and employees when choosing appropriate behavior. At the same time, we have put a framework for corporate compliance in place that will energize efforts to ensure compliance—that is, corporate activities that are fair, honest, and in accordance with common sense—across the ABLIC group as a whole.

Corporate Compliance Framework

Educating executives and employees about corporate compliance

We conduct various training to deepen our executives and employees' understanding about corporate compliance.
In FY2023, for employees, we conducted training on power, sexual, and other forms of harassment, and as e-learning, we conducted training on management of confidential information, personal information protection, prevention of bribery and corruption, as well as training regarding the Act on Prohibition of Private Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Trade for our division heads and Sales Division.

List of compliance education conducted in FY2023

Compliance education for executives includes the Executive Legal Handbook, which is distributed among our executives in recognition of the obligations that stem from their various work-related powers. The Handbook is there so that executives can pursue their duties by properly understanding and properly carrying out their authority and obligations.

Executive Legal Handbook

Whistleblowing Hotline

We have formulated rules on whistleblowing so that any improper actions and suchlike within the corporation can be speedily discovered and addressed, thereby ensuring that our business follows the law and that we are better able to help ourselves. A Whistleblowing Hotline has been established for the executives and employees of our group (both inside and outside of Japan), as well as for the executives and staff of our clients. Whistleblowers have the option of addressing their concerns to the corporation or to an outside legal firm. Measures are being put in place to ensure that any reports are dealt with in a due and proper manner.
To ensure that whistleblowing works in a due and proper manner, we guarantee that the identities of the whistleblowers will not be made known, and that they will not receive any adverse treatment as a result of their actions.

Whistleblowing in FY2016: Zero cases
Whistleblowing in FY2017: Three cases (Figures for April–December 2017)
Whistleblowing in FY2018: Two cases
Whistleblowing in FY2019: Two cases
Whistleblowing in FY2020: Zero cases
Whistleblowing in FY2021: Zero cases
Whistleblowing in FY2022: Zero cases
Whistleblowing in FY2023: Zero cases

** For compliance related inquiry, please contact us by clicking on HERE.

CSR Management