
Automotive Power Closure Systems

ICs ideal for Power Closure Systems

for automotive Power Closure Systems

1. Overview

Power liftgates and power sliding doors are increasingly being installed to improve vehicle safety and convenience. Sunroofs and convertible roofs that provide extra comfort also continue to be popular. Power closure systems are an indispensable feature and increase user satisfaction.
ABLIC offers ICs best for Power Closure Systems. ABLIC offers a comprehensive range of products: such as high-accuracy operational amplifiers that detect pinching prevention, LDOs with built-in watchdog timers to monitor MCUs, LDOs and Voltage Trackers developed for sensor power supplies, and ZCL™ Hall effect ICs which operate optimally in BLDC motors.

ICs ideal for Power Closure Systems

2. Block Circuit

Click each product group for more product information.

*VD: Voltage detector (Reset IC) *LDO: Low-dropout regulator *WDT: Watchdog timer

ICs ideal for Power Closure Systems

3. ICs ideal for Power Closure Systems

Product Recommended product Applications and Features
Watchdog Timer S-1951x With reset and LDO regulator functions. Current consumption of 3.0µA.
Voltage Tracker S-19720 The industry's lowest offset voltage of ±5mV. Available in an ultra compact (2.46 x 1.96mm) package. Current consumption during power-off of 4µA.
LDO Regulator
(Linear Regulator)
S-19212 Powers the sensor. The output voltage can be set between 2.5 to 16V.
Hall effect IC
(Magnetic sensor IC)
S-57TZ S ZCL™ Hall effect ICs are perfect for BLDC motor control, creating stable BLDC motor control over a wide temperature range.
Operational amplifier S-19630A High-accuracy current detection. 36V operation, Rail-to-Rail input/output, low offset voltage of 50μV.
Serial EEPROM. Built-in data protection functions. 105°C max. operation.

4. Features

ZCL™ Hall Effect IC S-57TZ S series
High-temperature operation
ZCL Detection
Thin package

Automotive, 150°C Operation, High-Withstand Voltage, High-Speed, ZCL™ Hall Effect IC S-57TZ S Series

The ZCL™ Hall Effect ICs transform the brushless DC motor market

A ZCL (Zero Crossing Latch) zero crossing latch Hall effect IC, is a latch type Hall effect IC that uses a world's first detection method, by detecting the output signal at the zero-crossing point where polarity changes. It is ideal for BLDC motor control, and unlike other Hall effect ICs, it is not thrown off by variations in magnetic flux density, and can maintain stable detection.

≫Learning more about the S-57TZ S

Series name

S-57TZ S


 Power supply voltage range: 2.7V ~ 26.0V
 ESD Performance HBM: 8,000V